Children's Director: Sarah Brown
All children are a part of God's story. We invite your children of all ages to be a part of our experience at Trinity and discover what God's word says in a dynamic, energetic, and age-appropriate way. They will spend time in a combination of large and small groups, connecting and engaging with the Word and with each other.
Children's Director: Sarah Brown. Contact:
Sunday Mornings:
Bible Study Hour, 9:45-10:45; Curriculum: Gospel Project
Classes for Preschool, Kindergarten, 1-3rd grade, 4-6th grade.
Children's Church, 11:15-12:15; Curriculum: Gospel Project
For grades 1-3rd grade. Children are dismissed during the sermon time and taught an age-appropriate Bible message.
Wednesday Evenings:
Children's Meal, 6:00-6:30; children a fed a full meal each week.
Bible Drill, 6:30-7:30 PM
-Bible Drill is a program that helps children and young people memorize and learn to apply Bible verses and passages. Through games, music, and activities, children learn to find Bible books and verses, as well as commit verses to memory.
-For 4 years old -- 6th grade.
Vacation Bible School:
June 1-5, 2025.
-We will be doing the Wonder Junction, Answers in Genesis VBS curriculum. With music, crafts, snacks, missions, and Bible story, children will learn a ton about God and have a wonderful time!
Children's Camp:
June 17-21, 2025.
-For 3rd grade through 6th grade.