Sunday Morning Worship Services:
Early Service: 8:15 AM
Late Service: 11:00 AM
Sunday mornings are a great time of worship. We have two services; the first is held from 8:15am~9:30am. The second worship services begins at 11am. Both services last about 75 minutes including music, prayers, and a sermon from the Bible. You will receive a warm welcome when you arrive and find that the people of TBC are committed to following Jesus, loving others like Jesus, and telling the world about Jesus. We strive to be available, accessible, and helpful.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes
We meet every Sunday morning at 9:45am for Bible Study. These classes will strengthen your walk with Christ through great Bible teaching and Christian community. We have a class for every age and life stage!
Childcare During Worship Service
Noisy, laughing or crying, children are a gift from God and welcome in worship service! TBC does offer nursery and childcare services if your children would like to join in the fun. These are safe places for children to learn about and experience their essential role in the church community. Infants and children under 3 can be taken to our nursey when you arrive.
Children 3 and older begin worship in the sanctuary and then will be dismissed during praise and worship; our children’s leaders and volunteers will lead them out and you will pick them up at the end of service.
Common Questions:
What should I wear?
You will see people in everything from dresses to jeans and a t-shirt! Come in what is comfortable. We are just glad you are here!
Which service should I attend?
The message and worship are the same at each service! You and your family can choose whichever time works best. We meet each Sunday at 8:15 and 11:00 AM. We offer children's church only during second service.
Where are you located?
Our address is 1506 W. Main Street Gatesville, Texas.
Our building is right across from the hospital and El Tapatio on Hwy 84.
Where should I go when I come in?
There will be greeters when you walk through the door! They will give you a bulletin and can direct you wherever you need to go. Bible Study classrooms are all around the church, and the main sanctuary is on the left through the double doors as you come in.
How can I get connected?
The main ways to get connected are on Sunday mornings during Bible Study Hour and the main service, as well as at Wednesday prayer meetings (begins at 6:30 PM). We also offer Life Groups throughout the week and many different ministries.
If I have questions, can I meet with someone?
We love meeting with people and hearing about their journey of faith! If you have questions about Christ, the church, or just need to talk about what God is doing in your life, we would love to set up a meeting. Contact the church office or fill out a visitor form and drop it in the offering box!
Please contact the church office at 254-865-8495.
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